Primelife Research offers a 45 day, hassle free, money back guarantee on items purchased through our website. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will refund you the full amount. If you purchased more than one bottle, simply return the unopened products in good condition and a refund will be issued through your method of purchase. To receive your refund, please contact with a brief description of your order details and it will be processed immediately.
Only unopened bottles will be accepted for return. If you purchased more than one bottle, to receive a full refund you must return the unopened bottles. The cost of return shipping cannot be refunded. Please ship to:
For assistance with your return, please contact customer service any time at 610-209-3229.
Primelife Research products are available for sale at many website and retail locations. If you purchased our products through one of these companies, please contact them for their return policy as we cannot processes their returns for them.